Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust Life at Castle School Education Trust


CSET receives revenue funding for each school based on the formula agreed by the local authority Schools’ Forum. This formula is the same for academies and maintained schools.

Revenue funding is pooled across the trust, with resources prioritised based on educational need. Headteachers are accountable for expenditure on staffing and resources for each school, with some services being provided by a small central team working across all schools (including strategic leadership, school improvement, financial management, human resources, facilities management and IT).

CSET is a single organisation for accounting purposes, and all external accounting and audit is thus conducted at Trust level. In compliance with regulations, the Chief Executive Officer is the accounting officer for the trust, and the Director of Finance has the function of chief financial officer.