CSET Strategy 2022-2025
Our strategy is informed by our long-term purpose, articulated in our Shared Ambition to provide ‘A Great Education for Every Child’.
The CSET Strategy 2022-25 sets out our Strategic Aims to be achieved between Autumn 2022 and Summer 2025. Each year, the trustees agree to the Annual Objectives that will enable us to progress our strategic aims. Each term (Autumn, Spring, Summer) trust and school leaders set termly priorities that enable us to progress the annual objectives.
Aim 1┃Outcomes
All CSET schools will achieve outcomes significantly above average
including for vulnerable cohorts by 2025. All CSET schools will be
judged at least Good at their first and subsequent inspections.
Aim 2┃Education
By 2025 all pupils will experience a high quality education that is
consist across schools, phases and subjects. The CSET Education
Frameworks will clearly establish the shared approach to each aspect
of education, and schools will be successfully implementing the
frameworks within their own context.
Aim 3┃Leadership, People & Culture
We have a compelling vision for each of our schools based on a deep
understanding of each community we serve. School leaders are
ambitious for all pupils, and their dynamic leadership has a
transformative impact on their schools. School and trust leaders work
together to ensure the school is focused on the right strategic
priorities, and that capacity is used to ensure rapid improvement. We
will proactively recruit, train and retain the best leaders, teachers and
professional support staff.
Aim 4┃Resources, Systems & Governance
We use our resources to have the greatest impact possible for pupils.
The trust has efficient, effective and compliant systems. A robust
financial strategy ensures budgets balance and reserves are maintained
for future investment so that the trust is sustainable in the long term.
Strong trust leadership and effective governance ensures that schools
are delivering on our shared ambition to provide a great education for
every child.
Aim 5┃Learning Environment
By 2025, the school environment provides an inspiring and appropriate
setting for a great education. Facilities are safe, secure, clean and
compliant. Major legacy condition issues have been resolved, with a
rolling programme of condition improvements for each school. We will
make significant progress in improving our environmental impact and
our response to the climate emergency. Technology in our schools will
provide users with an effective and reliable experience.
Aim 6┃Growth
We will be ‘school of choice’ in our communities, with full intakes at all
schools by 2025. We will actively explore opportunities to develop our
schools and grow the trust where doing so would benefit our existing
as well as new pupils. We aspire to be a leading trust in the West of
England, with pupil numbers exceeding 10,000 by 2025.